Learn to spin using a drop spindle

Learn how to transform fibre into yarn using the simple tool of a traditional drop spindle. You will explore fibres from different breeds of sheep, as well as alpaca, and learn how to prepare it ready to spin. Then, using the spindle, you will spin some yarn that can be used for knitting, crochet, or even tying up plants!

Everything you need will be supplied, including a spindle for you to take away with you, and some bundles of fibre to play with, as well as plenty of tea/coffee and biscuits to help you along.


Frances Wyatt

Frances first started spinning after being given a place on a workshop as a birthday present. She then got a spinning wheel and has enjoyed experimenting with different fibres from her own sheep and alpacas, as well as other sources. Although she no longer has the animals, she has a lifetime stock of fleeces secreted around her house

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Event Schedule Details

  • January 20, 2023 10:00 am   -   1:00 pm
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